
Growth Tips & Marketing Strategies for Tech-Focused Companies

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New Service Announcement: Quarterly Content Membership
Introducing The Decoded Strategies Quarterly Content Membership: Fuel Your Growth with Powerful Content The world of marketing is ...
Creating an email campaign that will get RESULTS.
Creating an email campaign that will get RESULTS. Let's be real - no one likes wasting valuable resources. ...
Stand Out from the Competition: 5 Marketing Tips for Value-Added Resellers
Stand Out from the Competition: 5 Marketing Tips for Value-Added Resellers In today's crowded technology market, value-added resellers ...
Unleashing Marketing Success for Cybersecurity Companies: The Key to Identifying Your Ideal Customer
Unleashing Marketing Success for Cybersecurity Companies: The Key to Identifying Your Ideal Customer In cybersecurity marketing, you're faced ...
Elevating Trust & Clarity: An Imperative for Cybersecurity Firms in the Public Sector
Why Messaging is the Key to Cybersecurity Marketing In an era where digital threats have become more rampant ...
Cracking the Code: How to Craft a Standout Brand Message that Sets Your Cybersecurity Company Apart
Cracking the Code: How to Craft a Standout Brand Message that Sets Your Cybersecurity Company Apart In the ...
sales journey
The Buyer Journey Is No Longer Linear
The Buyer Journey Is No Longer Linear Here is a hard truth. The buyer journey is no longer ...
Managing Customer Success During Hard Times
Managing Customer Success During Hard Times Managing customer success and retention during a pandemic and challenging economic climate ...
3 Tips to Build Differentiation into your Marketing
3 Tips to Build Differentiation into your Marketing Company differentiation is key in your marketing.   But here's ...
The Only 4 Assets You Need To Build a Solid Marketing Foundation
The Only 4 Assets You Need To Build a Solid Marketing Foundation It can be so easy to ...
How to Write a Killer Elevator Pitch: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Write a Killer Elevator Pitch Chances are, if you're like me, you could fill pages and ...
Featured Image
The 7 Key Components You Need to Nail Your Positioning and Build a Powerful Value Proposition
The 7 Key Components You Need to Nail Your Positioning and Build a Powerful Value Proposition You probably ...
Your Customers Don’t Need More Information About Your Company. They Need to Know How You’ll Help Solve Their Problems.
Your Customers Don't Need More Information About Your Company. They Need to Know How You'll Help Solve Their ...
Clearly State the Problem You Solve
Clearly State the Problem You Solve Like 110 million other people, on February 13, 2022 I sat down ...
The Definitive Guide to Managing Tough Customer Situations
The Definitive Guide to Managing Tough Customer Situations There are tons. And tons. And tons of resources out ...
How to Build Empathy into Your Brand Marketing
How to Build Empathy into Your Brand Marketing This is a key principle in any good brand messaging. ...
Customer Offboarding is More Important to Your Customer Experience Than You Might Think
Customer Offboarding is More Important to Your Customer Experience Than You Might Think It sucks when customers churn. ...
How to make celebrating customer wins a priority.
How to make celebrating customer wins a priority I am obsessed with Customer Success. It is a fascinating ...
Surprise! Your About Us Page Isn’t Actually About You
Surprise! Your About Us page isn't actually about you When creating your business website, there is a familiar ...
Rethinking the “Customer is King” Mindset
Rethinking the "Customer is King" Mindset I just got an email with the subject line, "How to Reimagine ...
Kickstart Your 12 Month Marketing Roadmap
Kickstart Your 12 Month Marketing Roadmap We know kicking off a marketing strategy for a full year can ...
Why You Have To Start With A Clear Brand Story (And How To)
How to Tell a Brand Story that Wins Hearts and Minds B2B marketing is a beast. There are ...
Good Marketing Needs to Focus On the Problem. But Don’t Stop There.
Good Marketing Needs to Focus On the Problem. But Don't Stop There. We all know good marketing needs ...
StoryBrand Crash Course: Quickly Learn the StoryBrand Basics to Level-Up Your Marketing
S Maybe you're wondering "What is StoryBrand?" Or read Building a StoryBrand. Or listened to the Business Made ...
Your product launch announcement shouldn’t be a love letter to your product. It should be a love letter to your customer.
How to Write a Product Launch Announcement Your product launch announcement shouldn't be a love letter to y ...
Empathy Makes Authority Palatable
Empathy Makes Authority Palatable You've spent your career building up your authority. Awards. Prestigious customers. Impressive stats. FAME ...
What To Put in The Header of Your Website
What To Put In The Header of Your Website The header is the most important real estate on ...
We Can All Learn A Lot About Being A Good Leader From Ted Lasso
We can all learn a lot about being a good leader from Ted Lasso I'm gonna come right ...
What Types of Churn Categories Really Matter? Your Guide to The Top 5
What types of churn categories really matter? Your guide to the top 5 There's the big question- what ...
Why Relatability Is Essential To Your Success
Why Relatability is Essential to Your Success Rachel Hollis accidentally became a villain last week. Underneath the high ...
3 Ways to Get Killer Testimonials
3 Ways to Get Killer Testimonials How to Request a Testimonial Requesting a customer testimonial can be tough. ...
How You Should Be Advertising Your Business
How You Should Be Advertising Your Business Introduction Hey there, my name is Evan Knox and I'm the ...
The Dangers of Featureland
The Dangers of Featureland In product marketing, you need to sell benefits. But what does that actually entail? ...
Why Your Marketing Should Be Boots on the Ground (And Out of the Clouds)
Why Your Product Marketing Should Be Boots on the Ground (And Out of the Clouds) This might sound ...
What is Customer Success? What we learned about retention from employee turnover
What is Customer Success? What we learned about retention from employee turnover One of the best conversations I've ...
What is Customer Success? Start at the Beginning
What is Customer Success? Start at the Beginning Customer success- it's one of those titles, departments, functions that ...
New Series Announcement: What is Customer Success?
New Series Announcement: What is Customer Success? It's a big question, and one I hear all the time. ...
3 Simple Marketing Habits To Transform Your Year
3 Simple Marketing Habits To Transform Your Year This is the year that I lose 30 pounds! Or ...
5 Pillars of Customer Retention
5 Pillars of Customer Retention At Decoded Strategies, we know what it feels like to pour all your ...
If You Don’t Think About Retention in Your Marketing Strategy, You Won’t Succeed
If You Don't Think About Retention in Your Marketing Strategy, You Won't Succeed If your marketing only focuses ...