
Decoded Strategies Services

We’ll help you solve the “it’s complicated” problem.


When customers are confused about what you do


When you’re struggling to stand out


When your marketing isn’t working

It’s time to dial in your brand messaging.

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Decoded Strategies Brand Messaging Services

Starting at: $5500

Half-Day Messaging Strategy 

  • 3-hour Messaging Strategy Session for up to 6 participants
  • Two customer interviews in advance
  • Your custom Brand Messaging Guide
  • Updated Website Homepage copy

Starting at: $12,500

Full-Day Messaging Strategy 

  • 8-hour Messaging Strategy Session for up to 12 participants (in-person or virtual)
  • Two customer interviews in advance
  • Two interviews with your team members in advance
  • Your custom Brand Messaging Guide
  • Updated Website Homepage copy
  • Updated Solutions Landing Page copy
Are you small business?

We have services to support you too! Reach out and we can talk about whether our small business package is right for you.

“As a tech company, we struggled to succinctly answer what we do and who we do it for.  Decoded was able to work magic. After a strategy session with our executive team, they were able to pull out the core elements of who we are and what we do into one cohesive brand message. We struggled for years trying to develop the message Decoded Strategies put together after one strategy session. I wish I had not waited so long to work with them.”

Brittany Carter
Director of Marketing | Kopis (ERP & Technology Solutions)

What can we do with your Brand Message?

Once you’ve got your solid brand message in place, it’s time to tell that story. Everywhere.

Website Copy

  • Homepage
  • Products and services
  • About Us

Sales Enablement

  • Pitch decks
  • Sales brochure
  • Cold email sequences

Demand-Generating Content

  • Case studies
  • Conversion email campaigns 
  • LinkedIn Content

Founder-Led Social Branding

  • Thought leadership 
  • Content strategy 
  • Personal brand strategy

Proud to work with the best

McDonalds Logo

Hi, we're Annie and Kristin! We lead the team of messaging and marketing experts at Decoded Strategies.

Successful brands have no shortage of marketing partners to choose from. And we get it! There are a ton of fantastic marketers out there.

So, what makes us different?

  • We speak the language of complicated technology & services. And we can translate that into simple, clear messaging.
  • We deliver project-based support. No long-term financial commitments. We help you build the right message and strategy that set you up for long-term success.
  • We've deployed story-based marketing to hundreds of brands and are leading experts in the StoryBrand framework.
About Annie And Kristin of Decoded Strategies

The team at Decoded Strategies are dedicated to one singular task:

Equipping you with clear brand messaging that you can deploy with confidence at all levels of your marketing and sales. 

Illustration Depicting Success
If your messaging isn’t on point, nothing else works.

Let’s create clear and powerful brand messaging that unlocks your next level of growth

Schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call below or get in touch with a Messaging Strategist.