
How Decoded Strategies helped Speaker Law Firm increase the amount of time their visitors spent on their website by 60%

(and how we can help you, too)

Breaking through the noise and generating marketing results can feel complex. We get it.

Creating a compelling brand message is tough, especially in a crowded marketplace. How can you stand out and really communicate the value you offer clients in a way that grabs their attention? That's exactly what Speaker Law Firm was up against — they wanted a more personal approach to authentically communicate their work to clients, but didn't know where to begin.


The Challenges They Were Up Against

(You've likely been there too.)

They were getting lots of leads. But they were the wrong type of leads.

High volume traffic can be a good thing, but Speaker Law Firm was getting too many of the wrong leads. And that took a big toll on the business.

Their marketing team was producing. But they were spending their precious time on the wrong tasks.

Before Decoded Strategies, their marketing language was too generic and lacked specificity around their offerings. As a result, website visitors would bounce off their site, not staying long enough to become interested in Speaker Law Firm's services.

They wanted to communicate the real value they deliver to clients. But their marketing didn't quite position them that way. 

Their marketing message lacked the true essence of what Speaker Law Firm is all about: helping their clients win. This made their marketing collateral feel disjointed and ultimately didn't attract the right type of client.

"We were struggling to get high quality, qualified leads through our website, and realized our messaging just wasn’t specific enough so people didn’t understand what we offer. Decoded Strategies helped us by guiding our team through the StoryBrand Framework to create new, specific messaging that actually sounds like us. The process was so easy to follow, and gave us a refreshing approach to marketing."

(An actual quote)

The Decoded Strategies Magic

(Their words, not ours)

We specialize in helping companies implement a story-based framework into their sales and marketing collateral to drive results. Our unique ability to help clients create messaging that breaks through the clutter helps them land on succinct messaging that aligns their team and makes their marketing engine work. The process is fun, simple and repeatable — and helps teams like yours save time and money on your marketing efforts.

How We Helped Speaker Law Firm

(Highlighting a few key projects)

Illustration Depicting Designing and Writing Website Copy
StoryBrand Training

Most people know that they need to use story in their marketing materials, but few people actually have a repeatable framework to use to do so. We educated Speaker Law Firm leaders on the power of a story-based marketing approach and taught them a simple, repeatable process they could use to weave their story into their marketing materials. With this training, the Speaker Law Firm team finally understood how a simple story formula would help them create marketing materials that drive results.

Deliverable: StoryBrand Overview Keynote Presentation

Illustration Depicting Cost and Revenue
Brand Messaging Workshop

Without a clear and compelling brand message, teams burn time and energy creating marketing collateral that doesn't work. The lack of a specific marketing message was costing Speaker Law Firm time and money. We trained the Speaker Law Firm team on the StoryBrand Framework to help them create a clear marketing message that truly captured the essence of their brand. Because everyone bought-into this strategy and message, their team finally had a common language to use around marketing efforts.

Deliverable: 1-Day StoryBrand Workshop to create their StoryBrand BrandScript

How Speaker Law Firm Benefitted from this approach

Created one simple message they could use in all marketing collateral

Learning the StoryBrand
7-Part Framework to
create one clear message
equipped their team to
populate all their
marketing collateral with a
cohesive, fresh language

Learned a simple process that's easy for their entire
team to follow

The StoryBrand process is
repeatable and simple, and
their entire team was able to
put it to work right away. Not
only does it save them time,
it helps align their entire
team around one process that
truly works.

Gained ability to create marketing collateral they
were confident would work

With the fun and effective
StoryBrand approach, Speaker
Law Firm is able to create content that is already vetted as it's aligned with their overall brand message. No more second guessing marketing collateral or needing sign off on collateral that's created.

What Happened Next

(What you really want to know)

More qualified leads

Speaker Law Firm saw a 10% increase in their number of qualified leads after revising their website using Decoded Strategies help.

Increased time spent on website

Their new messaging has resulted in a 60% increase in time potential clients spend on their website, driving new qualified leads and closed deals. With stronger messaging, website visitors actually read their website and become interested in what they have to offer.

Team alignment and unity

Now, their whole team is on the same page about what their clients need and what they provide. This alignment makes it simpler to create new marketing collateral that they know will work.

Hours Saved on Sales Calls

After implementing the StoryBrand Framework into their sales and marketing collateral, their sales team is spending their time on qualified leads -- and not wasting time on clients who aren't a good fit.

A "North Star" their whole team uses

Their clear message is utilized by their entire team and acts as a North Star for their communication and culture.

Marketing that feels true to who they are

Where their marketing message once felt generic and stale, it's now centered on how they truly help their clients succeed. Now, all of their marketing collateral captures the real essence of their work.

"After working with Decoded Strategies, we were excited and relieved to have something that really represents who we are and helps us stand out from the crowd"

(An actual quote)

What Speaker Law Firm has to say about working with Decoded Strategies

"We had an exceptional experience with Decoded Strategies! Not only did they make the entire process stress free, their use of the StoryBrand Framework took all our ideas and beliefs about our Firm and made them relatable to our clients. With their help we transformed our website messaging to empower our clients and show them we will fight for them during this difficult time in their lives."

Get the clarity and results you deserve in your business

If you and your team are still struggling to clarify your marketing so that it gets a return, schedule a call. We'll help you get the clarity and confidence you need to grow your business without all the stress.